
Interior scenes by Cantori

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Cantori at Decorex 2024 - Cantori

Cantori at Decorex 2024

From October 6 to 9, 2024, Cantori will be present as an exhibitor at Decorex 2024 in London, the largest fair dedicated to luxury furniture. A reference event in Europe for interior design professionals, where they can discover the latest trends in the world of interior furniture and promo...

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The place of dream - Cantori

The place of dream

During the 62nd edi.on of the Salone del Mobile in Milan, Cantori aims to redefine the boundaries between living spaces, a range of products that challenge the tradi.onal division between indoors and outdoors.In a timme in which the line between home and outdoor world is becoming...

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Contract - Cantori

Contract Cantori can collaborate actively with architecture studios and interior designers to develop and make interior furnishings and fittings, using standard products or tailored to specific requirements and tailor-made products.

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Bookcases, architectures of knowledge - C|Blog

Bookcases, architectures of knowledge

Books tell the story of our evolution as homo sapiens and affirm the identity of those who live in the house. This is why bookcases are not only repositories of...

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