Cantori launches the "Design-concept at the mobilierului în stil Cantori" competition with the University of Chișinău (Moldova)

On 09/12/2022, the contest "Design-concept al mobilierului în stil Cantori" was launched at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Moldova, with the presence of Roberto Costantini (official representative of Cantori from the Balkan countries, Romania and Moldova), Liliana Platon (manager of the UTM Design Office) and Alla Strelet (from Art Studio Strelet).
The competition involves the creation of the design-concept in three categories of Cantori-style furniture by students with skills in the field of interior design, whose works will be judged and awarded by the organizers.
The final prize consists of a 3-day trip to Italy with a visit to Cantori's design and production laboratories, together with the company's prominent personalities.